Unique, like we all are.
Arboleo ‑ jedinstven osvježivač prostora u svijetu. Sigurni smo da će ručno izrađeni, unikatni difuzori od masivnog drva s pomno kreiranim mirisima proširiti vaše poimanje prostora u kojem se nalazite i pomoći vam da se osjećate bolje.
Arboleo ‑ a unique space freshener. We believe that handmade and unique solid wood diffusers with carefully created fragrances will expand your understanding of the place and help you feel better.
Unique, like we all are.
Boce za refile dolaze iz poznate talijanske manufakture u bezvremenskom Alt-Apotheker stilu koji odgovora svakom interijeru. Svaki difuzor Arboleo ručno je tokaren i obrađen iz masivnog drva iz održivih izvora.
Jedinstvenost svakog difuzora naglašava naš slogan 'Unique, like we all are'.
we use bottles of well-known Italian manufactories for fragrances in Alt-Apotheker timeless style that suits the requirements of place and quality. If you do not wish to have wooden diffusers in all your rooms,
each bottle can stand independently. Each Aboleo wood difuser is hand-turned and processed from solid wood for sustainable growth. Each diffuser is made of different wood and thus unique. This is emphasized by
our slogan 'Unique, like we all are.’
Unique, like we all are.
za manje prostore 6 ‒ 15 m², miris traje do 8 ‒ 10 tjedana.
za srednje prostore 12 ‒ 30 m², miris traje do 5 ‒ 7 mjeseci.
za prostore veće od 30 m², miris traje i do 12 mjeseci.
for smaller spaces 6 ‒ 12 m² fragrance lasts for 8 ‒ 10 weeks.
for middle spaces 12 ‒ 30 m² fragrance lasts for 5 ‒ 7 months.
for spaces over 30 m² fragrance lasts to 12 months.
Baze mirisa kreirali smo sami, a završnu notu dali su najbolji parfumeristi iz obitelji Cerizza koja vec 70 godina daje najbolje talijanske "noseve".
Tramontana je začinjen, blago suh i okrepljujuć miris s tragovima đumbira, bergamota i kima koji će svojim srednjim drvenastim notama dati vašoj okolini svjetlinu i punoću volumena.
Levante je miris blage vlažnosti i kratkotrajnih valova cvijeta kanabisa, muškatnog oraha i papra. Opuštajucu atmosferu daje baza vetivera i paculija koja vas uzemljuje i ujedno vam snaži duh.
Garbino je topao, mističan, vlažan i vrlo elegantan i sofisticiran miris isprepleten tragovima frezije, ciklame i cvijeta naranče. Vlažnost i zelenost daju mu note irisa i zelene mandarine.
Ponente je aromatičan i začinjen miris, blago pudraste baze bijelog mošusa i zelene ambre. Razigranost mu daju note klinčića, crnog čaja i papra koje vas zovu da ih uvijek ponovno otkrivate.
We created fragrance bases but the final note was given by the best perfumers from the Cerizza family, the line of the best Italian "noses" for 70 years.
Tramontana is a spicy, slightly dry and invigorating fragrance with traces of ginger, bergamot and cumin that will give your surroundings the brightness and fullness of volume with their middle woody notes.
Levante is a fragrance of mild humidity and short-lived waves of cannabis flowers, nutmeg and pepper. The relaxing atmosphere is provided by the base of vetiver and patchouli, which ground you and strengthen your spirit at the same time.
Garbino is a warm, mystical, moist and very elegant and sophisticated fragrance intertwined with traces of freesia, cyclamen and orange blossom. The notes of iris and green mandarin give it humidity and greenness.
Ponente is an aromatic and spicy fragrance, with a slightly powdery base of white musk and green amber. Playfulness is given to it by notes of cloves, black tea and pepper that invite you to rediscover them every day.